UA-33443280-1 First step into the bloggers world...I think I just peed a little.: Boot-camp, baked bean sandwiches and Voodoo queens...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Boot-camp, baked bean sandwiches and Voodoo queens...

I haven’t written in a while; maybe it’s because I have nothing to write about.  My life is, well you'll see, starting over can be a hard thing to do. 

Let’s start with boot-camp shall we.  My sister Julie and I have recently begun our “road to health”.  It’s currently day 7 of boot-camp and I’m really enjoying it.  You see, Julie and I are very different yet very alike.  Different because she is a super healthy eater; I’m talking this girl could be vegan & me, well not so much.  A difference with me is I LOVE to workout, exercise just makes me happy & the endorphins aren't bad either.  So when we’re together its great J she helps me with the eating, and I help her with the boot-camp.  I’m hoping to be where I want to be by the New Year.  New Year; new me! 

You know, these past couple of months have been nothing but chaotic.  I’ve been to more than 5 states, stayed long periods of time in 3 of them.  I saw a new branch of the Art Institute, ate the best burger of my life, discovered family isn’t what I thought it was (or confirmed it’s exactly what I thought it was), lost a part of me, found a part of me, baked lots of bread, made videos to depressing Celine Dion songs, ate more than I should of, cried (a lot), became closer with my best friend, experienced the most comfortable bed on planet earth, watched an abundant amount of movies, cussed out invisible people, re-united with the power of the speedy rewards card, went from Sussi to Jessie, took my first bus trip (missed the first one and had to buy another ticket may I add),  took every wrong exit,  shared a beer with my daddy,  drove a boat for the first time,  competed in more than one ‘Olympic’ event,  discovered scars don’t go away easily,  befriended cats,  acted as a lawyer for my grandparents, came face to face with the baked bean sandwich and drank way to much soda. 

Now, let me just say; some of those moments are completely unforgettable.  The image of me jumping on the “most comfortable bed on planet earth” screaming HATERS IN THE BUILDING is just one of many.  A friend once said she doesn’t believe that everything happens for a reason; I gotta say, I’m with her on that.  Sometimes life just hands you “shitfest 2012” and there is no reason at all.  Know that sometimes it’s just not your fault.  You couldn’t have done anything differently; you couldn’t have made it stop. 

I believe there are two types of people; emotional thinkers and logical thinkers. I am 100% an emotional thinker and believe me; it gets me into trouble A LOT! My best friend is a logical thinker, if it weren’t for her I would be in the deep end ALL THE TIME!  She’s helped through a lot, gotten me out of tough situations, and listened to me for hours on end repeat the same conversation.  She is so not emotional (hehe, love you), so I want to take the time to really thank her.  Thank you ‘weezer’, if it weren’t for you they would have committed me a long time ago.  You’ve always been there even when I’m a giant emotional childish pain in the ass.  No matter what anyone says, you’re my voodoo queen J Love you!

Well that blog turned out to be more random than I expected. Well that’s what you get; me throwing up my thoughts and emotions. 

With all my love,

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