UA-33443280-1 First step into the bloggers world...I think I just peed a little.: Is that love? I smell cookies, and no i'm not a Russian Terrorist.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Is that love? I smell cookies, and no i'm not a Russian Terrorist.

You know what I love about cookies? Don’t worry, I’ll tell you. (FYI, there are about 12134234 pictures of cookies)  I love that it’s very hard to screw up a cookie (even though I've completely done itJ) it took work! I love that you can decide whether you want the cookie to be chewy or fluffy, crispy or doughy.  I love that no matter how hard you try each cookie is a little different.  I love the process of cookies, each the same; beat sugars and butter, add eggs, sift together dry ingredients and fold in.  You do this, and cookies will appear!

You must be wondering why I’m talking about cookies like they’re my ‘significant other’. (Well I would be wondering...hehe)  I’ve forgotten how it feels to bake for the hell of it.  Going into the kitchen and throwing stuff together, knowing exactly what you’re doing.  Knowing that you have control over how this turns out.

I look back on why I really started baking/cooking, and that has a lot to do with it.  I never really had much control over what happened with the world around me when I was younger (Not that I have much control now either).  But, being able to control the outcome of something made those hours in the kitchen magical. 

You go through life and tend to lose touch with who you really are.  I’ve had a lot of decisions made for me recently, I was forced into situations I did not want to be in.  I gave up on trying to control things, including baking.  I didn’t think it was worth pursuing. 

Some people say it’s just food, or its just cooking.  To me it’s more than that; it’s a way of life.  If you give it a chance, it can save you like it’s saving me.

You know someone actually thought I was ze Russian Terrorist yes? Yup, little old me J Background checks were done. Just FYI…you know since Russian's love cookies :) haha

Well, until next time.

до свидания


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