UA-33443280-1 First step into the bloggers world...I think I just peed a little.: Here goes nothing.. or something..umm cake?

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Here goes nothing.. or something..umm cake?

I've never been considered a good writer, so why in the hell am I starting a blog; beats me. I need to figure out where I want to be in life, I'm hoping this'll help. We shall find out soon enough. So, a little about me.  I grew up moving around a lot (now when I say a lot, I mean over 30 times). Not an army brat, parents just couldn't make up there minds (sorry parents). Moving around a lot caused me to switch schools, finally at high school I gave up; and began homeschooling. I grew up sheltered, was forced to go to church, never really seeing what life had to offer. Not saying I don't believe in God, but I believe there's more to the story. Now, let me just say, I loved my childhood.  Innocence is bliss, I never really knew that until I grew up.

So, now i'm 21, moved out of the house & in with friends, i'm really starting to experience life & what it has to offer. I'm not tied down in any way, and that is liberating.

 I love life & want to seek adventure & the unknown; I want to find truth & love. I want to discover other cultures, and befriend my neighbors. I want the world to learn from my mistakes, and triumph at my victories. I want to be loved in a way that even my enemies would feel passion.

I want to not sweat the smalls things, but enjoy them.
I want people to know they can trust me with their deepest secrets without judgment.

When I cry, I want people to know it has meaning.
When I laugh, they won't be able to resist being happy.

I want the world to see something in me.
See somebody that's worth it.

I want the world to see what I'm really capable of.

& I want cake.

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