UA-33443280-1 First step into the bloggers world...I think I just peed a little.: Girl with the puff pastry mustache.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Girl with the puff pastry mustache.

You know, I was gonna write a blog about how life is full of broken hearts and all that bullshit. But you know what? FUCK IT! Life is awesome! Shit happens, what are you gonna do?  Let me tell you, you’re going to move the FUCK ON! Get over it!!   The past is the past.  People suck, come to terms with it.  You are going to run into people that are going to screw you over.  You flip’em off and walk your bad self in the other direction.  Don’t let anyone tell you you’re not good enough.  Don’t let anyone tell you you’re living your life wrong.  You hear that?? YOUR life!  Be you, be happy. 

I have a lot of good things to look forward too!  I’m moving in with great people! Work is going amazing, promotions are in site.  I have awesome friends!J I’m 21, life is just beginning!  I’m done living in the past, done with everyone who can’t handle relationships.  I’m ready to take chances, experience new things!  Say YES to something crazy! (don’t get any ideas ;D)  Sometimes you have to let yourself go to find out who you really are.  So be a dork, be crazy!  Do care about what people think of you, or how they see you.  Don't let anyone get in the way of your happiness.  

*Raise your glass*

So here’s to saying goodbye to the past!
Here’s to officially starting the New Year!
Here’s to letting all the bullshit go!
Here’s to surrounding yourself with great people! 
& here's to making mustaches out of puff pastry!
It’s 2013 BITCHES! We’re young & hot!! Let’s have some fun!

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