UA-33443280-1 First step into the bloggers world...I think I just peed a little.: December 2012

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Let's meet in the middle.

 I've recently been able to start talking about my past, boy am I regreting it.  I really didn't mean to scare you off, i'm still the same person.  Don't let the mistakes of others affect how you see me.  I'm not fragile, i'm not scared.  If you are feeling something, talk to me about it.  I have to be one of the easiest people to talk to.  I'm not going to judge you, i'm not going to blame you.  I'm trying my hardest to start over, but in order to do that I have to be open about my past.  Shit happens.  It completely sucked, but it's over. 

I've dealt with crazy people who have NO clue how to hold any sort of relationship with another person for way to long.  Communiation is key.  Tell me what you're thinking, I want to know.  I want to try and understand you.  This goes for all sorts of relationships.  The worst thing you can do is ignore it, run away from it.  Please, don't. 

A few tears get past me every once in a while, I drink a little more than I should & I tend to overthink most situtations, but I will never take it out on you.  I love meeting new people, getting to know them.  I can promise you I will never use you, or hurt you.  I know all to well how that feels.  I will always tell you what I'm thinking or how i'm feeling.  I forgave the people in my past, they don't have a hold on me anymore.  So please, don't feel sorry for me.  It's okay, no really...It's okay, i'm okay. 

Get to know me, all of me.  I don't just like to party :) While partying is fun, I also love the small things in life.  I've learned to appreciate them more.  I love nights on the beach, nothing but a blanket and the stars.  I love trying new things, I have to admit i'm kind of an adrenaline junkie.  I love spending an entire day in bed with a good book.  I love the moments you share with another person. 

The moments when everything in the world is right where it should be.